Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Daily Star Article

If you can’t see the potential and don’t believe what you’re doing in Bangladesh is going to change anything, then this article is exactly what it is like in Dhaka today. If you think of the city this way, you won’t want to stay; if you think of what it could really be, you know the only direction to go is up.

Until tomorrow…     -bag

Scarlet and Gray

There’s no doubt that I’m rarely the optimist when it comes to Saturday afternoon football with my beloved Buckeyes. I had thoroughly convinced myself and prepared for a loss against that blue and white team in Happy Valley. I was so cynical that I even talked myself into believing that a 14 point loss would be a moral victory; ask my family, I was nauseating to listen to.

So, a dominating victory with near flawless execution left me dumbfounded (and quite thrilled)! Not only was it a beautiful fall day, but now my confidence has been built to an astounding level. Dreams of another Big Ten championship, a top ten finish in the coveted BCS rankings, and maybe even a BCS bowl game again this year — could it be?!

Certainly with two whopping week’s worth of games left on our schedule against an angry Iowa and that jaded team up north, my college football emotional rollercoaster hasn’t seen anything yet. I do know I hope the team that showed up against Penn State sticks around through the first week of January 2010.

Great win Bucks!

Until tomorrow… -bag

Union County Entrepreneurial Incubator

After taking a pretty big swing at baseball yesterday I thought I’d let everyone know that the Union County commissioners hit a home run earlier this week when they hosted an open house at the newly remodeled uptown Marysville Heilig Meyers building. The aesthetics of the building turned out superb, but, more importantly, a section of the building slated as the Small Business Entrepreneurial Incubator has the potential for new business in our community to thrive.

Recognizing the need to help and not hinder the entrepreneurial spirit of brilliant ideas that need a springboard, this space is designed with those hopefuls in mind. Office space, conference room space, and other shared resources are avaiable to help make your business dreams a reality. If you have an avid passion to grow your own firm you should consider starting right here, right now.

The literature distributed at the event stated to contact the Incubator Manager at 937.642.6279 to schedule an appointment. Oh, and by the way — if your business takes off I’d really like an equity stake.

Until Monday; have a great weekend…     -bag

Blame Your Parents, They Probably Spanked You

An interesting study I read this morning at gave very mixed reviews on an already controversial issue; spanking a child. I’m not sure about you, but there were a few instances when I was a child that I was spanked and I most certainly deserved it. What I don’t remember is being drug around a grocery store by one arm as I kicked and screamed while getting a swat every 30 to 45 seconds on the rear. The same goes for my wife, who can most definitely recall the few times that she was spanked as a child. Those cases left us with a lasting impression and served the purpose: behavior modification.

There are many times in the past few months, while raising our two year old, that some form of discipline was required. Sometimes that was as simple as taking the time to sit down with him and explain something in more detail, sometimes that was a screaming and kicking trip to time out, other times it was the loss of a privilege, and sometimes it has even meant getting up from dinner and walking outside with him. Our son’s discipline has yet to include a spanking, but that’s not to say that in the future as he gets a little older and a different message needs sent, when ongoing behavior issues exist, that it won’t be an option — it will. It worked for both my wife and I in an impactful way (pun intended).

Parenting is unique for every family, every child, every culture, but what we all need to remember is a good dose of adult common sense. In the meantime, the next time I don’t get a promotion or a new job I applied for, I’ll just blame my parents; they spanked me you know!

Until tomorrow… -bag


There have been many firsts in my life that I won’t forget and many firsts that have already slipped from my mind. Only time will tell if the first blog post on theDailyBAG will be one to remember or one that slips away; I’ll hope for the first.

It is with lackluster planning that I venture, quite cautiously, into the blogging world. Yet to be seen is whether political ramblings, travel highlights and restaurant recommendations, personal critiques of technology, or snippets of energy industry news will dominate this wire. I would assume, you yet to be identified faithful, will get a bit of it all; if you’re lucky?!

I hope that no matter what is debated that all of the information we share becomes something that helps us learn and grow, while we balance our lives as followers and leaders.

Until tomorrow…     -bag